Cryptographic Data Mesh®

Health data made connected, usable and cryptographically authentic

Health data is siloed and isolated.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of data management, organizations face significant challenges related to data security, compliance, and operational efficiency. Existing systems often struggle with issues such as outdated technology, siloed data, and high costs associated with data centralization and migration. These challenges are further compounded by the increasing need for scalable solutions that can efficiently process large volumes of data while maintaining compliance with regulatory standards such as HIPAA.


Opacity in data management hinders verification, compliance, and insight generation, undermining operational efficiency and stakeholder trust.


Redundancy in data management leads to inefficiencies and increased costs, complicating data verification and consistency.

High Costs

High costs in data centralization stem from extensive migration processes and the development of proprietary solutions, burdening organizations financially and operationally.

Burdens on Patients and Physicians

Data centralization burdens patients and physicians by causing delays and inefficiencies in accessing timely and accurate medical information, impacting the quality of care.

Connecting Healthcare Data with Acoer's Cryptographic Data Mesh®

Acoer recognizes these challenges and the pressing need for innovative solutions that can address them effectively. Our extensive experience in developing secure and scalable data management solutions positions us uniquely to tackle these issues. By leveraging our expertise, we are introducing Cryptographic Data Mesh® that provides a robust framework for secure, efficient, and compliant data management.

De-silo health data without costly centralization

Our Cryptographic Data Mesh® reduces costs by minimizing the need for extensive data migration and lowering infrastructure expenses through decentralized storage.

Cryptographically prove data authenticity

Incorporating zero-knowledge proofs, our architecture ensures cryptographically authentic, consented, and verifiable data flow to upstream systems, safeguarding data owner rights.

Increase trust and confidence in health data

Our Cryptographic Data Mesh® secures data by keeping it decentralized and encrypted, ensuring compliance with stringent security protocols and privacy standards like HIPAA.

Reduction in Data Migration Costs

By eliminating the need for extensive data migration, organizations can reduce costs by up to 70%.


Lower Cost of Revalidation of Health Systems

By maintaining decentralized and secure data, which minimizes the need for repeated validation processes.


Reduction in Compliance and Privacy Costs

Implementing zero-knowledge proofs and decentralized identifiers enhances compliance with regulations like HIPAA, reducing compliance costs by up to 60%.

* based on initial Acoer use cases with cancer and novel pathogen data from public and private data sources

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